Dr. Palina attends 30th Conference and General Assembly in Australia

SMU President Dr. John Octavious S. Palina is attending the 30th ASEACCU Conference and General Assembly on August 20-23, 2024, at the Australian Catholic University’s North Sydney Campus in Australia.

ASEACCU, or the Association of Southeast and East Asian Catholic Colleges and Universities, is an association affiliated with the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU). Together with other CICM schools in the Philippines, Saint Mary’s University is a member of ASEACCU.

The attendees to the conference are Presidents and top administrators of various member universities in East and Southeast Asia. Part of the conference is a partnership meeting where members collaborate to forge partnerships. Other Philippine CICM schools will also be attending the conference.

The purpose of the association is to promote Catholic higher education and to be a support for the local Churches. ASEACCU also aims to contribute to international educational dialog beyond the Southeast and EAST Asian regions.


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