The University Prayer
God our Father, we come before Your presence
to worship You as we pray for the good
of our beloved Saint Mary’s University
and all her children.
Provide us with greater competence
to accomplish our tasks in the tradition
of excellence, so that we may continue
to grow as formed, informed and
transformed Christian disciples
Empower us with the Holy Spirit,
the spirit of creativity, to innovate our ways
towards healthy learning environment,
effective integral human development,
the care of mother earth
and the promotion of life for all
Deepen our faith as we follow Your son, Jesus,
while trusting in the goodness of others,
and in our giftedness,
so that we may spread the Gospel
with truth on our lips and integrity in our lives

Sustain us in our CICM charism
with passion for mission
to go out to the needy beyond ourselves,
and build vibrant Christian communities
and a faith-filled community of nations
where love, justice and peace abound.
With Mary, our Mother and Patroness,
we sing to magnify Your glory
for we see the wisdom in gaining nothing
but only Your Favor, and we are filled with
courage to do everything according to Your will.
Amen Mary Seat of Wisdom, Pray for us.