Graduate Programs
Incoming First Year Students
Master’s Degree
- Has a cumulative average grade of 2.0 at the undergraduate level or its equivalent
- Passed the Graduate Records Examination (GRE) (Applicants who earned their previous degree at SMU are exempt to take the GRE)
- Passed the interview with the Dean
- Submit the following documentary requirements
Applicant’s Admission Form
Two (2) referrals from former professors and/or present employers
Birth Certificate from NSO / PSA
Marriage Certificate, if married
Official Transcript of Records (Original)
Transfer credentials if transferring from another school
- In case of any pandemic, and in lieu of GRE, a maximum of 500-word essay indicating the applicant’s purpose of enrolling at SMU School of Graduate Studies, qualifications as basis for admission to the chosen degree program, at least three (3) research titles or topics and reasons for choosing these topics, and plans after completion of graduate study in the university are to be submitted at
- . A student who has complied with the above requirements but whose undergraduate course is not related to the masteral course preference is required to take 15 undergraduate units (core subjects) of the preferred course.
- Passing the board examinations is a requirement for graduate programs that require board exams in the undergraduate level (i.e., MAT, MST, MAED-ECED, MAED-PE, MAED-RED, MAED-SPED, MECE, MLIS, MSA, MSN)
Doctorate Degree
- Admission requirements for master’s degree also apply for the doctoral degree. In addition, a student is also required to submit three (3) tentative titles for dissertation and a copy of his/her master’s thesis upon enrolment. Applicants who earned their masters’ degree from SMU are exempted from taking the Graduate Records Examination (GRE).
- A student who has complied with the above requirements but whose master’s course is not related to the doctorate course preference, is required to take 18 units of master’s core subjects of the preferred course.
- It is expected that an applicant for a doctorate degree has written a master’s thesis. In case the applicant graduated with a non-thesis degree, one of the following requirements should be complied with:
- The applicant submits a scholarly research paper to be evaluated by the Dean and a faculty member who is an expert in the field.
- The student enrolls in Thesis Writing 1 or any two research subjects and writes a full-blown paper for evaluation by the research professor.
For Higher Year Levels
- Submit the following documentary requirements to the Academic Advising Area
departmental clearance
an updated printed copy of curriculum
accomplished academic advising form - Present screenshot of updated Career Wellness Inventory Test (CWIT)
- Proceed to the Subject Reservation Area and present the academic advising folder
- Login to your eSMIS account and click the “ENROLL NOW” button
- Secure approval of the Academic Dean for subjects reserved.
- Get a queue number at the Cashier’s Lobby.
- Wait for the queue number to be displayed on the screen.
- Pay your old account if any, full tuition fee or a minimum downpayment of ₱5,000.
- For online payment or other payment options please send copy of payment slip to (see SMU Accounting FB page 2 for more details).
- Proceed to the area for self-service printing of enrollment forms and tap ID on the card reader.
- Wait for the printed official enrollment form.
- Affix your signature on the space provided in the enrollment form.
- Present it to the Registrar’s Staff for validation.
- Get your student copy
For Freshmen and Transfer-in
- Pay the Graduate Records Examination (GRE) fee at the Cashier’s Window.
- Take the GRE at the Guidance and Testing Office (2nd Floor, A Bldg.).
- Wait for instructions regarding the release of the GRE result.
- Submit credentials to Admissions Staff for checking.
- For non-SMU graduates, encode personal information in the eSMIS. For SMU graduates, proceed with Step 3.
- Wait for the admission number and slip from the Admissions Staff.
- Proceed to the enrollment area for reservation of subjects.
- Submit admissions slip to the Faculty/Staff at the Subject Reservation Area.
- Wait for subjects to be encoded and approved.
- Pay at the Cashier’s Window (A-Building, 1st floor) for tuition fee/down payment.
- Print enrollment form for validation at the Printing Area.
- Proceed to A-Bldg., 2nd floor (Room A-216) CICT office for ID picture taking.
Contact Person/Details
Dr. Mayvelyn S. Covita
Dean, School of Graduate Studies
(078) 392-8107