Center for Christian Formation
We, at the Center for Christian Formation, with our collaborators, of diverse cultures, profession and vocation, rooted in Jesus Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit, inspired by the Blessed Virgin Mary and Theophile Verbist, the CICM Founder, envision ourselves as authentic and happy Christian disciples.
Owning the CICM-RP Vision and the PCE’s commitment to an excellent and integral formation of the youth and the empowered involvement of the laity in mission, we commit ourselves to journey with and to foster the missionary consciousness and responsiveness of Marians through creative and meaningful liturgical celebrations, relevant religious education and formation, transformative community supportiveness, sustained vocation-mission animation and effective support systems and structures.”
CCF’s Nature and Purpose
PCP II describes the country, the Philippines as “the country of the young.” Catholic Education and Religious instructions and animation in the country therefore are a gospel imperative for the Catholic Church and for any religious congregation like CICM for that matter in this country.
SMU’s Center for Christian Formation is a structure and a system that dreams to contribute to the realization of the overall goal of a holistic education / formation of the young expressed in the vision-mission of the CICM schools. In SMU, it is through the core value of Christian discipleship as its main area of responsibility that this vision-mission is being translated. And, it is also being realized through the two mains components of the said center, namely: 1) Religious Education (RE) in college, and is called Christian Living both in the high school and in the grade school. 2) Campus Ministry (CM) in all levels.
Campus Ministry includes: religious formation through retreats, recollections, seminars, trainings, talks, conferences, etc. and religious animation through liturgical celebrations, prayers, devotions and the like.
The CCF participates in the extension services and or outreach programs especially in SMU’s partner communities. It also includes vocation-mission animation.
Then and Now:
A Swift Look from the School’s Chaplaincy and Campus Ministry to CCF
The Center for Christian Formation is a recent CICM – PCE recasting, reconfiguration and renaming of the most commonly used name “campus ministry” that refers to ministries done in the school context by or with the chaplain. (Please refer to the nature and purpose for a general understanding of the CCF.)
SMU is one of the five CICM schools in the country at present. Reverend Monsignor Constant Jurgens, CICM, then Bishop of Bayombong, is the officially recognized founder. Desiring to respond to the need for a catholic education of his parishioners’ children, he purchased a lot and some materials for the school building. But he returned to Europe without starting the construction. His successor then, Fr. Achilles de Gryse, CICM made his dream come true.
In 1928, the Saint Mary’s Elementary School was started. The high School Department got started in 1934 by Rev. Father Godfrey Lambrecht, CICM. And, in 1947 the college department was established with several course offerings. SMU was granted the university status in 1994 with Rev. Fr. Jan Van Bauwel, CICM as the first university president.
Like most Catholic Institution, SMU is committed to the holistic education-formation of the youth and of each stake holder. The wholeness of Christian education-formation that SMU wishes to give could never be overemphasized as it draws its inspiration from her Vision-Mission that states: “We envision SMU as a caring educational institution committed to nurturing community of competent, creative, community supportive Christian disciples in harmony with other believers.”
To this end, the chaplaincy and campus ministry, which has its early beginning in the 1960’s and had been evolving until now, hopes to respond the changes and challenges of the time and to provide opportunities for Marians to experience and know God, know themselves and each other and to reach out to the world. Thus, CCF with its programs holds an important place in the life of the Marian community.
CCF’s Services offered through Its Programs, Main Objectives and Activities
Creative & Animating Liturgies & Prayers (CALP)
Liturgical arts & creativity training & animation program
- Masses: g.s., h.s., college, mass sponsoring (by class, cathedral), special occasions (Holy Spirit mass, investiture, foundation days (CICM, school), Patron Saint, Marian devotions, feasts, misa de Gallo, baccalaureate, monthly birthday mass
- Music ministry: formation, instrumentalists, Song leaders, music books, etc
- Lectors, commentators, altar servers, Communion ministers
- Liturgical artists: dancers, performers/dramatists (biblio-drama, theatre artists, choreographers),
- Sacrament of baptism, reconciliation, First holy communion, confirmation, marriage
- Prayers/Piety/devotions: angelus, rosary, campus way of the cross, Taize prayer, gospel/bible sharing, meetings / gatherings / celebrations / sessions
Relevant religious Educations / formation (RREF)
- Concerned with a sound and applied RE and RF for Marians in all levels
- Theology courses, religious instructions, catechesis
- Common curricular textbooks project for college level
- 4G Formation Series thru workshops /talks/recollections: Grounding (1st years), Growing (2nd years), Going (3rd years), Glowing (4th and 5th years) incorporating
- Spirituality dev’t & value formation program
- Leadership growth and development training sessions
- Accompaniment of students organizations, clubs (Mission club, Marian Sowers) and the like
- Journey groups for holistic growth and development thru gospel sharing, dialogue of life, 3FS (formation, fun, fellowship and service) activities / sessions.
- Discussions/Talks/shows/debates/conferences/seminars/symposium, sexuality education, success, youth issues/challenges
- Responsible relationships (friendship), etc.
- Staff / volunteers development (regular and on-going): studies/seminars/trainings/researches)
- Talents festival: Contests/games/trivia-quizzes with prizes
- Guidance-animation-formation of students [Retreats, recollections, skills assistance/training] religious groups/organizations [mission club, Marian sowers, personnel, working scholars, etc.] according to SMU V-M, values and present thrusts (re-orientation & re-alignment)
- Progressive (adapted) programs and activities
- Marriage Encounter
- Youth For Christ / youth encounter
Transformative Community-supportiveness (TCS)
- Tree planting, catechism in public schools, home visitations, trainings/formation of leaders/facilitators, liturgical persons, etc.
- Alay kapwa, alay pasko, Alay misyon (mission collection, mission fund drives)
- Sacramental preparations and celebrations
- Clean, friendly & green environment promotion
- Visits to boarding houses [with deans & other persons in –charge]
Sustained Mission-Vocation Animation (SMVA)
- Exhibits, posters, CCF Newsletter
- Mission &/or Vocation talks/masses especially by CICMs
- Alay Misyon (collection/solicitation letters/offerings/drives)
- Mission correspondences
- Campaign for RE students’ majors
Effective Support Systems & Infra-structures (ESSI)
- Pastoral Team regular meeting (implementing body)
- Regular meetings (discussions, brainstorming, deciding, prioritizing, calendaring of activities)
- Pastoral Council regular meeting (consultative and advisory body)
- Teamwork, coordination collaboration
- Regular & on the spot evaluation/planning/implementation: See-Discern-Act
- Sharing of tasks according to PETTTS (Personality, Energy, Talent, Time, Treasure, Skill)
- Linkages (external)
- Communication (regular & timely, Protocol = proper channelling, more bulletin boards)
- Bonding (fun & fellowship, outing, celebration)
- Clear organizational structure
- Accountability
- Flexibility/adaptation/openness to changes, the unexpected and the unforeseen
- Convenient chapel & a functional Center for Christian Formation (with chaplain & staff offices, together with a CM multi-purpose hall for formation-animation & volunteers’/students’ lounge)
- Song books, white boards [1 small (chapel), 1 big (for meetings/sessions)] & whiteboard markers
- Relaxation/reflection/instrumental music CDs
- Good quality musical instruments and sound equipment