Registrar's Office


The Office of the University Registrar envisions to provide excellent registry services through world-class standards and adoption of current technologies in records management.


Guided by the Marian virtues, the Office of the University Registrar (OUR) is committed to provide excellent customer service and quality records management, through combined efforts and professionalism that
will uphold the university’s vision in promoting Marian achievers for God and country.


The Registrar’s Office serves as the University’s central service and academic support unit to:

  1. conduct and manage processes related to registration of students, to include:
    check subjects from the Dean to be offered every term; and
    check schedule of all subject offerings every term.
  2. collect and record student academic information;
  3. coordinate and produce official enrollment and academic certification from academic records;
  4. provide support for determining academic eligibility and academic progress;
  5. process transfer credentials for outgoing undergraduate students;
  6. respond to requests for information about students and programs;
  7. manage access to and release of student academic and educational information;
  8. prepare for commencement and graduation; and
  9. administer in-house printing of diplomas and Transcript of Records (TOR) and other documents for certifications.


     The Office of the University Registrar is considered as the show window of any educational institution. It is the repository of highly important and delicate documents, and the place most frequented by students, as well as by the alumni.
Being an integral part of a tertiary level institution, the Office of the University Registrar at Saint Mary’s was created simultaneously with the opening of the college department in 1947. The office occupied one of the rooms fronting the lobby of the now Junior High School building. When the college department was transferred to the present site in 1969, the Registrar’s Office was housed in one-half floor area of Room A105. With the increase of enrolment and student records, the office also expanded and moved to Room A104 then later to Room A103. The old office furnishings of three steel and two wooden cabinets were replaced with 24 four-shelved and 14 three-shelved cabinets which were placed in a fireproof vault built in 1987 and shared by the Accounting & Registrar’s offices. A new vault was constructed separately for the Registrar’s office in 2000, when the Accounting Office moved to Room A104 and the Registrar’s office to Room A103. The two elite, one pica and one long-barrel typewriters are now replaced with units of computers inside a fully air-conditioned room.
The first registrar of the college was Mr. Julian L. Bravo, a B.S.E. graduate of the then Saint Mary’s College. His work as registrar included keeping records, scheduling subjects, assigning loads to teachers, preparing transcripts and certifications, delivering mail, time keeping, communicating with and submitting reports to the Department of Education and other agencies, issuing grades, applying for new courses and renewal permits, and many more. In 1957, he was ably assisted by Mr. Alejandro M. Maddela, a BSC graduate who resumed the position of Registrar in 1974 when Mr. Bravo migrated to the United States. Mr. Maddela resigned in 1980 to join the government service and Mrs. Natividad P. Araneta took over as Registrar from May 1980 to 2011. Upon the retirement of Dr. Araneta, Dr. Ella B. Tumaneng took over the registrarship and was succeded by Dr. Danao in 2014 up to present.

Mr. Alejandro M. MaddelaBSC1957-1980
Mr. Jose D. CabauatanBSC1960-1963 student assistant 1963-1968
Mr. Esteban H. AbuanAB/BSE1970-1971
Mrs. Milagros Reyes-LabitoriaAB/BSE/MAED1970-1977/1980-1989
Dr. Natividad Pillera-AranetaBSE/MAED/PHD1971 to 2011
Mrs. Mercedes Aban-PadreBSE1972-1974
Miss Zenaida C. AcademiaJSC/BSC1977-1982/1998
Mrs. Florida Francisco-SabadoASS/BSC1977-1982
Mrs. Erlinda Tampoya-EspañoJSC/BSSA1980-1982
Mrs. Evelyn Tiam-SabadoBSSA1981 to 2019
Mr. Edilberto A. Suarez IIIBSSA1981-1994
Mrs. Lorvin A. AdduculBSC1982-1986
Mrs. Felomena Bautista-BernardoASS/BSC1982-1989
Miss Violeta L. DanganBSC1988-1991
Mrs. Alona Magtalas-del RosarioBSSA1991-1999
Mr. Jonathan C. BalutBSC1994-2000
Miss Sally B. BibasBSSA/MBA1994 to date
Mr. Romeo P. EvangelistaBSC1994 to 1997
Miss Almera C. GajetonBSC1995 to date
Mrs. Venus Ruam-CadabonaAB1996-1999
Mr. Wilbert C. SadangsalBSC1996-1997
Mr. Jaime L. NesperosJSC/BSSA/MPA/MBA1999 to 2015
Mrs. Guadalupe Sevilleja-LopezBSE2000-2001
Mrs. Alva Escobar-GutierrezBSA/MBA2001 to 2020
Mrs. Decema Ann Marcelo-AcpalBSIT2007 to 2017
Dr. Ella Bedoya-TumanengBSeD/MP/PhD2011-2014
Mr. Jason G. ColobongBSIT2013- to date
Dr. Gertrude Garingan-DanaoBSC-CS/MBA/VISIT/PhD2014 to date
Adora Luz MagnoBSIT2015 to date
Rico Balando, JrBSBA-FM2014 to 2022
Christian Jay SotoBSIT2015 to 2023
Windel  TaguilingBSIT2017 to date
Marie Celestine IrizariMBA2018 to date
Ireena M. AquinoBSOA2018 to date
Michael  S. CayabanBS MATH/BSIT2019 to date
Aileen S. CastroBSC/ BSN RN2020 to date



As the population of the college department increases, the expansion of the Registrar’s Office and the addition of new facilities and manpower is imperative for the office to be able to discharge its functions efficiently.

Contact Person/Details

Dr. Gertrude G. Danao

University Registrar
0955 684 9975
(078)805 3648

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