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School leaders embrace CICM Charism and Marian values in leadership training

Saint Mary’s University (SMU) recently hosted a transformative two-day training program centered on CICM Charism and Mariology: Marian Values and Virtues. The event aimed to ensure school leaders align their leadership with the CICM charism and emulate the values and virtues of Mary. It also sought to sustain the CICM charism among leaders and create a culture guided by the virtues of Mama Mary.

Held at the Sacred Heart Center and Georges de Buscherre Hall on SMU’s College Campus, the event saw 131 school leaders from top management to learning area coordinators gather for an immersive experience. This training is part of the Executive Management Training Program (EMT), designed to uphold SMU’s core values: Excellence, Innovation, Communion, and Passion for Christ’s mission.

The program, organized and facilitated by the HRDO in collaboration with the CICM Maryhill School of Theology under the leadership of Fr. Rene Cabag, CICM, MST President, featured talks from esteemed resource speakers. Fr. Richard Diaz, CICM, Dean of CICM Maryhill School of Theology, discussed “Mary in the Bible” and the application of Marian lessons in daily leadership. Dr. Jeffrey M. Centeno, a professor at CICM Maryhill School of Theology, spoke on “CICM Charism – A Continuing Legacy in the School Apostolate, with Mary as Model of Mission: A Layman’s Perspective,” providing practical insights on embodying the CICM charism in leadership roles.

The training culminated with a Eucharistic Celebration at the Mary Seat of Wisdom Chapel, led by Fr. Richard Diaz, CICM, fostering a sense of spiritual renewal among participants.

This training underscores Saint Mary’s University’s commitment to comprehensive and continuous leadership development, ensuring that school leaders remain true to the institution’s mission and values.