SMU Faculty qualifies for Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations Virtual Summit 2024

Going beyond the four corners of the classroom and extending to global engagement, the Harvard College Project for Asian and International Relations (HPAIR) Admissions Committee has selected Ms. Nizza Vivienne B. Pugong, faculty from the Languages Department of the School of Teacher Education and Humanities, as one of the participants in the 2024 HPAIR Virtual Summit, which will take place on August 21–25, 2024.

Featuring students and young professionals in every sector whose applications passed the evaluation process, this year’s Virtual Summit theme is “Reimagining Connectivity: Building Bridges in a Globalized Society.” HPAIR’s goal is to create a global community of individuals and professionals dedicated to collaborative achievement, and this year’s theme reflects the values of connectivity, teamwork, and global citizenship. From fostering cross-cultural understanding to addressing global challenges, this conference invites participants to explore innovative approaches to connectivity and linkages.

Based on her previous experiences as a student leader, merit, and passion as an educator, the HPAIR Organizers hope she will share her unique ideas with fellow delegates from around the world at the conference.

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