SMU Faculty qualifies for Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations Virtual Summit 2024

Mr. John Lindy Soriano, Department Head of Accountancy, and Mrs. Sheryl Baria, Department Head of Business Administration, Entrepreneurship, and Office Administration, have been invited as visiting lecturers at the Department of Accountancy, Faculty of Management Sciences of Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University in Thailand. Their immersion will take place from August 25 to 31, 2024.

During their visit, Mr. Soriano and Mrs. Baria will deliver lectures in specialized areas such as Auditing, Fundamental Accounting, and Accounting Information Systems. The immersion will also serve as a platform for fostering academic exchanges, strengthening international partnerships, and promoting collaboration. This activity is part of operationalizing the partnership framework that SMU and Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University signed in August 2023.

This opportunity reflects the SMU School of Accountancy and Business’s ongoing efforts to engage in global educational initiatives, furthering its commitment to expanding the internationalization of its academic programs.

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