The University Emblem

Primary Emblem

Secondary Emblem

       The emblem of Saint Mary’s University bears the following key elements with their significant meanings.


Our motto, “sapientia a Deo (Latin),” translated as “wisdom from God,” quoted from I Cor 1:30, explicitly expresses the Christo-centric character of the university that puts Christ Jesus, the Divine wisdom, at the center of the Marian community, and the core of every goal of the university.

Image of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The image of the Blessed Virgin Mary seated on a throne with the child Jesus on her lap represents “Sedes Sapientiae – Seat of Wisdom,” which is one of the many devotional titles for Mary.  Mary, revered as the Theotokos, Mother of God, whose total submission to the will of God granted her nurturance of the incarnate wisdom of God – Jesus Christ, and accorded her the “model of discipleship”, our patroness and our exemplar.


The belfry symbolizes the role of the Marian family in beckoning of people in communion with the local and universal Church in the mission of evangelization and Christian education.


The rose is a symbol of devotion to the Blessed Mother (Rosary) as Queen of heaven and earth, reminding the Marian community of Mary’s participation in Christ’s passion. The rose is also the symbol of Mary’s charity attributed to Saint Bernard of Clairvaux heralding the university’s mission to transform the poor and the marginalized to empowered communities.


The fleur-de-lis, a stylized lily, symbolizes the immaculate nature and royalty of the Blessed Mother as a model of purity and unity, reminding the university, in unison with the CICM schools, to continue to uphold purity and excellence at all times.

Coat of arms

The coat of arms represents the Marian resilience and strength of character empowered by the Holy Spirit in confronting life challenges.

10 stripes

The 10 stripes represent the principal virtues of the Blessed Mother – most pure, most prudent, most humble, most faithful, most devout, most obedient, most poor, most patient, most merciful, and most sorrowful –   that every Marian should emulate.


The year 1928 marks the foundation of SMU, reflecting its long and vibrant missionary journey in evangelization through Christian education.

Scallop of eight waves

The scallop of eight waves, symbolizing God’s infinite abiding presence and love, represents the unwavering dynamism of the university to respond to the challenges of the times.

Blue and White

The colors of blue and white represent the school colors attributed to the Blessed Mother. Blue signifies prudence and temperance, while white represents fortitude and justice – the four cardinal virtues.

The SMU emblem captures the university vision highlighted in the tagline ‘inspired by mission, driven by excellence’. In communion with the Holy Church, SMU proves itself a paragon of Christian education, committed to serve primarily the poor and the marginalized with Mary’s intercession and with Jesus Christ, the Wisdom of God, at the core.

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