SMU fosters global education through the SEA Teacher Project
The Marian community welcomes the exchange of international students and faculty as part of the SEA Teacher Project, an initiative to foster global education and cultural exchange, from November 4-29, 2024.
Outbound Exchange
Twelve Marian pre-service teachers embarked on international practicum experiences in Indonesia and Thailand. In Thailand, three Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd) students majoring in English – Jayne Mendoza, John Lester Martin, and Zyreen Viloria – are gaining teaching experience at Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, six students are immersing themselves in the academic environment of Universitas Lampung and Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Shirlene Buahon, Mhea Lei Laza, and Roanne Joy Taysa, BSEd English majors, went to Universitas Lampung. Meanwhile, Trisha Mae Alayu and Kenneth Cacayan—BSEd Science Majors; Valmin Joy Basilio, Marco Pablo, and Dan Anthony Acosta—BSEd Mathematics Majors; and Erica Shane Delos Reyes—Special Needs Education Major were assigned to Universitas Negeri Surabaya.
Inbound Exchange
The Marian community warmly welcomed nine exchange students and one faculty member from partner institutions in Indonesia and Thailand. Representing Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University in Thailand are two English Education majors, Panida Pongaumporntip and Sasina Thapsuang, accompanied by faculty member Miss Siriwarin Gray, who was on campus until November 7. From Universitas Lampung in Indonesia, Hijriara Tamara Putri, an English Education major, and Hana Janatan Salsabiela, an Elementary Education major, bring their unique perspectives. Additionally, five students from Universitas Negeri Surabaya studying English, Mathematics, and Special Education, respectively – Evabriane Rhesty Widodo, Caren Agda Baryatus Zahra, Galuh Alfisyah, Firly Amalia, and Wahyu Nurfaizi Wicaksono – have joined the Marian community.Â
The SEA Teacher Project highlights SMU’s dedication to internationalization and its goal of nurturing globally competent educators. Through this program, students from both SMU and partner institutions gain hands-on experience that enhances their teaching skills and broadens their perspectives on education and cultural diversity.