SMU Psychometricians Shine in August 2024 Licensure Exam
Saint Mary’s University celebrates the exceptional achievement of its Marian Psychometricians, who aced the August 2024 Psychometrician Licensure Examination. With a remarkable passing rate of 76.92%, it surpassed the national passing rate of 69.79%.
The following SMU graduates successfully passed the exam:
- Tyron John Abraham, RPm
- Maylyn Grace Abella, RPm
- Xienah May Bambico, RPm
- Minly Bongac, RPm
- Leighzanne Keith Canonizado, RPm
- Meca Jade Corpuz, RPm
- Rockenson Dagupon, RPm
- Edsalien De Vera, RPm
- Reymar Donato, RPm
- Rexur Mar Dulinayan, RPm
- Robeliza Gullunan, RPm
- Ellen Gae Kimayong, RPm
- Jasmine Nicole Layugan, RPm
- Jossa Camila Nacin, RPm
- Vera Fate Nidoy, RPm
- Billie Oropieza, RPm
- Kristel Slai Patnaan, RPm
- Lorraine Tayaban, RPm
- Stefanie Mae Tifang, RPm
- Sarah May Cantor, RPm
The university congratulates these outstanding individuals for their dedication, hard work, and exceptional performance. (Written by: Nicole Anne P. Aquino, STEH PL Coordinator)