SMU Psychometricians Shine in August 2024 Licensure Exam

Saint Mary’s University celebrates the exceptional achievement of its Marian Psychometricians, who aced the August 2024 Psychometrician Licensure Examination. With a remarkable passing rate of 76.92%, it surpassed the national passing rate of 69.79%.

The following SMU graduates successfully passed the exam:

  1. Tyron John Abraham, RPm
  2. Maylyn Grace Abella, RPm
  3. Xienah May Bambico, RPm
  4. Minly Bongac, RPm
  5. Leighzanne Keith Canonizado, RPm
  6. Meca Jade Corpuz, RPm
  7. Rockenson Dagupon, RPm
  8. Edsalien De Vera, RPm
  9. Reymar Donato, RPm
  10. Rexur Mar Dulinayan, RPm
  11. Robeliza Gullunan, RPm
  12. Ellen Gae Kimayong, RPm
  13. Jasmine Nicole Layugan, RPm
  14. Jossa Camila Nacin, RPm
  15. Vera Fate Nidoy, RPm
  16. Billie Oropieza, RPm
  17. Kristel Slai Patnaan, RPm
  18. Lorraine Tayaban, RPm
  19. Stefanie Mae Tifang, RPm
  20. Sarah May Cantor, RPm

The university congratulates these outstanding individuals for their dedication, hard work, and exceptional performance. (Written by: Nicole Anne P. Aquino, STEH PL Coordinator)


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