TESDA accreditation revitalizes SMU Assessment Services

By: Dr. Mayvelyn S. Covita, OIC-ETVAO

With its commitment to provide venues for TESDA assessments serving in-house and walk-in clients needing such National Certifications, Saint Mary’s University has renewed accreditation of its six (6) Accredited Competency Assessment Centers (ACAC), three from the Tourism (Hotel and Restaurant) sector on March 08, 2019 and three from the Human Health / Health Care sector on March 11, 2019. The ACACs from Tourism sector are: Bread and Pastry Production NC II, Food and Beverage Services NC II, Front Office Services NC II. Whereas, the ACACs from the Human Health / Health Care sector are: Caregiving NC II, Health Care Services NC II and Massage Therapy NC II. Accreditation is awarded for two years and is subject for renewal thereafter, with the provision of constant compliance on rules and regulations as well as documents pertaining to administration, physical structure, assessment methodologies and procedures, and assessment documentation and reporting.

Moreover, accreditation is also granted for Bartending NC II effective February 01, 2019 and Bookkeeping NC III effective October 03, 2018.

For interested parties, documents needed for assessment application to be submitted at the Equivalency, Technical Vocational Assessment Office (ETVAO) are:

1. 2 Photocopies of PSA Birth Certificate, or Marriage Certificate (if applicable) or Passport biopage
2. 3 pcs passport size picture (white background, with collar, no nametag)
3. 1 photocopy of training certificate / diploma or OTR or Endorsement Letter of Trainer
4. 1 photocopy of student ID
5. Photocopy of Official Receipt for payment of Assessment fee   

Shown above are photos taken before the actual inspection audit commences on January 28, 2019. On left photo is TESDA NV Caretaker Mrs. Eva T. Doniego providing brief orientation to Ms. Precious Evangelista (extreme left), the invited expert to accredit Bartending NCII AC, as to how to inspect. In addition, on right photo, Mrs. Doniego run over the re-accreditation application documents of the various assessment centers with Processing Officer Mrs. Gayle R. Mercado of ETVAO.

Ms. Precious Joy Evangelista inspects the materials, tools and equipment on hand in comparison with the documents at the Bartending NC II (left photo) and Food and Beverages Services NC II (right photo) Assessment Centers.
Assisting him is Laboratory Assistant Mr. George Rawson Guiab.

Mr. Romen Sales inspects the materials, tools and equipment on hand in comparison with the documents at the Health Care Services and Caregiving Assessment Centers. Assisting him are Mrs. Joan Taroma, the TVET Coordinator for Health Sector and Mr. Michael Cayaban, Laboratory Assistant.

Certificates of Accreditation

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